Man shot dead during failed robbery attempt



Tribune Staff Reporter


A CONVENIENCE store shoot-out left one robber dead and another man on the run last night.

According to Superintendent Paul Rolle, the owner of Palm Tree Supermarket “engaged” two armed robbers in his crowded store after the masked pair entered the shop demanding cash.

Dressed in dark clothing, the men were both armed with handguns when they entered the store, located at the junction of Palm Tree Avenue and Sixth Street, sometime around 6:30pm.

Superintendent Rolle said: “The store owner and manager produced his licensed shotgun where he engaged both of these suspects. One of the suspects opened fire and there was an exchange of gun fire, in the process one of the suspects was fatally shot.”

He added: “There were a number of persons and customers in the store at the time.”

The suspect collapsed outside the front door of the store, while the second suspect escaped, running north along Sixth Street.

At the scene, police recovered a 9mm pistol.

Mr Rolle said he could not confirm whether or not the second suspect was also harmed.

The incident follows a midday shoot-out last week in a Carmichael Road grocery store parking lot, where an armed robber was shot and killed by store security.

When asked if he felt the incidents represented an increase risk in personal security, Mr Rolle said: “We encourage people to take steps to protect their premises, and if that’s what it takes, so be it. I do believe that this Bahamas is a peaceful place and we’d like to keep it that way.”


legalmindatwork 11 years, 5 months ago

Mr. Rolle needs to be careful with his advice to the general public....he needs not to be giving the public the idea that the only way to protect your premises is to shoot any intruder.


AndrosGal83 11 years, 5 months ago

Mr Rolle sounds like a first class fool; a prime example of the bloodthirsty henchmen that make up our police force.

I don't feel safer on the streets of Nassau with him at the helm advocating Martial law. That is not my idea of peace.


mike06 10 years, 6 months ago

Unfortunately many people die this way nowadays. I know someone who died while he was buying something when a thief attacked the store. His family bought an urn from http://www.urns.com">http://www.urns.com for his funeral.


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