Haitians nationals caught on boat off Inagua by Defence Force


Tribune Staff Reporter


TEN Haitian nationals were apprehended by Royal Bahamas Defence Force officials early on Thursday morning in waters near Inagua.

The undocumented migrants were reportedly found aboard a 40-foot American registered sailing vessel anchored off Inagua.

The migrants taken ashore and handed over to Bahamas Immigration officials in Inagua. They were flown to Nassau where they will be detained at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

This apprehension comes after 170 Haitian migrants were apprehended in waters off of Bimni on Wednesday night.

Defence Force officials said 32 children, including six- and seven-month old babies, were among these apprehended.

According to reports, around 11pm officers received word that a 50-foot blue and white Haitian sloop was moored at Bailey Town. The migrants were held in a gymnasium in Bimni until they were transported to New Providence by the HMBS Durward Knowles..

In addition, 10 migrants were interdicted after they landed in Inagua on Wednesday.


TheMadHatter 9 years, 1 month ago

Why don't all Government office in the Bahamas just lower the Bahamian flag - take it off the pole - and raise the Haitian Flag instead?

That is what is going to happen in a few years anyway - why waste time with delay?



duppyVAT 9 years, 1 month ago

What do you mean?????? Why did we invest $250 million in RBDF for 9 boats????

Go marines!!!!!!!!!!! Good job!!!!!!!!! Hold the fort at the border!!!!!!!!!!!!


TheMadHatter 9 years, 1 month ago

I pray you are correct. I would be HAPPY to be proven wrong in this case.


Economist 9 years, 1 month ago

Finally, they are doing what needs to be done. Way to go!


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