Sebas: We’re trying to protect players

Sebas Bastian

Sebas Bastian


Tribune Chief Reporter


ISLAND Luck CEO Sebas Bastian yesterday said criticisms aimed at web shops, particularly complaints of over saturation, were not backed by empirical data.

Mr Bastian flagged the industry’s efforts to encourage responsible gaming on the sidelines of his foundation’s OWN Bahamas initiative, telling The Tribune current and future programmes are evidence-backed to ensure the protection of patrons and operators.

“A lot of persons make statements with the absence of data,” he said, “and we’re working on a lot of our initiatives right now. We’re (members of the Gaming Operators Association) in the process of launching our responsible gaming programme…but I can say that the industry is working to mitigate any vices that gaming may cause, and we have the data.

“And we’re using it to better tailor our approach to the community in a way that everyone is protected, the patrons, the operators, the regulators. We’ll continue to work with the stakeholders and the regulators to come up with policies and changes to ensure that everybody is protected.”

The government has placed a ban on opening new web shops with some 400 licenced locations in the country.

In an interview with The Tribune in January, Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar acknowledged concerns over the government’s ability to enforce zoning regulations designed to prevent web shops from operating near schools, churches and in residential areas.

The expansion and proliferation of web shops throughout the Bahamas has caused concern, especially on the Family Islands where they have been accused of “sucking the life” out of local communities and economies.

Long Island MP Adrian Gibson has been vocal on the negative impact of gaming in his constituency.

Yesterday, Mr Bastian said: “What we do see is that the data contradicts a lot of statements that are being made, and we obviously look forward to sitting down with the stakeholders and utilising the data to tailor policies. We’re always in talks (with government). We engage with the Gaming Board on a daily basis so there’s no tension between the operators and the Gaming Board. We have an excellent relationship with the regulator and they’re doing a commendable job and we look forward to continue to be working with them.”


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