Unionists who put self before country

ON TUESDAY Labour Minister Dion Foulkes, speaking with a Tribune reporter, seemed confused by striking Customs and Immigration employees. He said that all of the union's concerns had been discussed last month, and resolved.

The issues for which they were now striking were new -- such as a new contract and health insurance. They were matters that were not a part of the original strike vote, Mr Foulkes said, and, therefore, not brought up at the meetings.

The shift system, although introduced by the Christie government in 2006, is another bone of contention. Although most of those now complaining signed contracts agreeing to work a shift, they now contend that the terms of their contract are illegal. Even on this issue, Mr Ingraham capitulated and agreed to pay Customs and Immigration staff overtime under the Employment Act. This means that whereas they were paid a fixed rate under the contract they signed with the Christie government, the Employment Act stipulates that civil servants be paid time and a half. The Prime Minister agreed to pay them overtime as specified under the Act. Yet they are still out on strike.

"The Prime Minister has met with the unions - with the leadership of customs and immigration," said Mr Foulkes. "I have met four times with the union and I frankly just do not understand them because we have agreed in principle to pay shift premium and overtime pay retroactive to 2010. We have agreed to pay hazard allowance. All of the demands that the union has put in the trade dispute, we have agreed to settle. So, frankly, I don't understand what the issue is now."

Mr Foulkes said that the amount of money Government agreed to pay Customs and Immigration workers is significant -- "it's in the millions."

Despite this the unions have sworn not to return to work until they get what they want. They tried to alarm Bahamians this week by claiming that our borders were being exposed to criminals and drug dealers, because several Defence Force officers are doing an excellent job of replacing them at the airport. Although legally not classified as such, we would consider Immigration an essential service, because tourism, which these workers are now trying to torpedo, is this country's main industry. Let tourism be compromised and every man, woman and child in this country suffers. It is not right that a handful of public officers should be allowed to hold this country to ransom.

By their placards they themselves don't seem to know why they have left their stations. "It's not about overtime" one placard read. Another said that "Saunders Beach bathroom cost $230,600; Cost of putting sand on Saunders Beach $2.2 million - Nothing for government workers."

Don't they realise that all of this -- done with taxpayers' money -- is to improve their leisure time? And to say that they got nothing -- unless their union leaders have not made full disclosure -- is a lie. They have probably got more than they should have.

This reminds us of the Pindling days when unionists refused to sit down with anyone but Sir Lynden, because, in a pinch, they knew he was an easy touch. They always got him at a time when he daren't say no, and always walked away with a contract that the country could not afford. It was often said that at the negotiating table he just pushed a blank sheet of paper across the table to the union leader, and said: "Write what you want!"

We do not know whether this was an exaggeration, but we were inclined to believe it was true because the resulting union contracts were mad - many of them made no business sense. Years ago, one of our employees gave in his notice and wanted us to pay him extra money for leaving -- money that we would have had to have paid him if we had fired him. Asked where he got such a crazy notion, he replied that that is what Sir Lynden gave ZNS staff. We never checked to find out if this were true, all we know is that he left us empty-handed.

Not only is Mr Foulkes confused about the present union unrest, but unionists themselves seem confused as to why they are not at work. Obviously, this is political. While mealy-mouthed politicians are smiling sweetly and urging their followers to have a peaceful election, behind the scenes their henchmen are trying to create chaos. Bahamians should remember this when they go to the polls and vote for a government that puts their best interests first.

At the FNM rally at RM Bailey Park last night, Prime Minister Ingraham expressed thanks "to a special group of dedicated public officers who regardless of circumstances fulfil their duty and provide service to the general public.

"Right now," he said, "some for political purposes are encouraging public officers in a number of departments to withhold their services. And some are doing so notwithstanding damage to the interests of our country. To those loyal sons and daughters of The Bahamas, who provide yeoman's service beyond the call of duty, filling in for those who shirk their responsibility and duty, I express my heartfelt thanks and that of a very grateful nation."


granvilleb2000 12 years, 1 month ago

Why did the Prime Minister go beyond the Labour Agreement and give additional compensations to these greedy union members? Didn't he know that this only give them strength to gouge more money from the government. We should understand that this money that they are trying to grab belong to the people of the Bahamas and cannot just be given away. These civil servants should be fired for walking off their jobs especially at this time when the economy had just taken a terrible hit over the past few years. The whole world are still reeling from the economic downturn and the government of the Bahamas was clever enough to keep the economy on even keel and did not have to part ways with any civil servants but was able to generate employment so that persons could be hired during these times. Apart from being able to maintain an over bloated civil service, the government were able to make vast improvements on roads, utilities, made much needed adjustments to our social services by implementing unemployment assistance, implement free medicines for the elderly and civil servants, built airports in the capital as well as certain Family Islands, major improvements to hospitals in Nassau and Freeport and is building mini-hospitals in various Family Islands. These are only some of the Works undertaken by this government during what is said to be the most serious downturn in the last eighty (80) plus years and these greedy civil servants are attempting to destroy our economy. They are intentionally trying to destroy our country by calling work stoppages at this time and should be thought of as traitors. In fact the Prime Minister should dismiss them outright and reassign the defence Force workers to replace them. One of their major gripes is that the government stopped their overtime and since they had built that overtime income as a part of their budget, the Government should allow them to continue ratcheting up overtime, in some instances up to three times their basic salaries. What they must know but chose not to understand that overtime is not a right and one should not budget this income as definite income, that other Bahamians should be hired and just as what was done a shift system should be built into the system. On another point, this could be a part of the problem why the road works was over budgeted. It was said that persons were not used to working in shifts and demanded the company to pay overtime. The government must realise that common sense has to be brought to bear when dealing with dispensing our funds and we should do so just as private enterprise would do it. Thank you


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