Govt to 'accelerate' local food production


Tribune Business Reporter


The government is allocating $1.627m “to accelerate food production” through various measures designed to reduce The Bahamas’ dependence on imports, a Cabinet minister said yesterday.

Michael Pintard, minister of agriculture and marine resources, told the House of Assembly that his ministry has developed an Emergency Food Production Plan to lay the foundations for a strategy intended to diversify the economy and guard against future-type COVID-19 shocks.

“Against this backdrop of COVID-19 we have an opportunity to be creative and resolute, and change fundamentally how we approach our national economy and where we position food security and non-food agriculture production,” he said.

Mr Pintard said focus was being placed on “14 sensitive products” whose importation is restricted due to their importance to Bahamian farmers’ incomes and their ability to be produced domestically.

“In order to accelerate food production, the focus needs to be on strengthening the production systems of existing farmers through the provision of inputs - seeds, guaranteed prices, feed and animals - on all islands with specific emphasis on North Andros, Abaco, Grand Bahama, Cat Island, Exuma and Eleuthera to increase production of targeted crops and livestock,” he added.

The minister added that The Bahamas also needed to focus on “making hydroponic systems and shade/greenhouses available to a range of producers, including young farmers and backyard gardeners”.

He continued: “The hydroponic method is supremely efficient both in the use of water and in physical growing space. The use of water in hydroponic systems, when compared to traditional farming, creates a higher level of efficiency. With the use of shade/greenhouses, one acre produces ten acres of traditional farming methods.”

Outlining where the government’s assistance will be targeted to reduce food imports, Mr Pintard said some $343,000 will be spent on 343 such hydroponic systems. Some $240,000 will be allocated to 10,000 backyard gardening kits, with $376,217 targeted at increasing egg production.

Separately, he added that more than $1m will be made available for land clearing and preparation purposes in Abaco and Grand Bahama.

“It is the intention of our ministry to assist farmers in the Commonwealth of The Bahamas by providing clearing and preparation of farm land through two allocations which exceed $1m,” Mr Pintard said.

“Through the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) Dorian facility, we have designated $1m to catalyse agriculture on Abaco and Grand Bahama commencing with extensive land clearing and preparation.”

He continued: “In the first instance we have plans to assist 19 farmers in Grand Bahama, and 40 on Abaco, at a total cost of some $479,600. Second, through our regular budgetary allocation, we intend to utilise funds to clear and prepare lands for farmers in the remainder of the Bahamas.

“This week our ministry will work with the Ministry of Transport and Local Government, through island administrators and agriculture staff, to accomplish this end. Funds will be transferred to the respective islands commencing this week.”

Mr Pintard said “more than $400,000 is being allocated to assist with seeds, plants, promix, livestock, animal feed and fertilizer”, while the ministry plans to “build capacity of Family Island farmers through provision of valuable information and technical assistance, often delivered through ICTs (information communication technology)”.

He added: “We are executing the repairs of three packing houses to accommodate the increased demand which we have already seen”, with the ministry “identifying storage facilities nationwide to accommodate food reserves for residents, plants and animals”.


birdiestrachan 4 years, 1 month ago

What took motor mouth so long. his mouth goes 100 miles per hour. while his brain is in park..

"It is the peoples time " for sure.


ELEUTHERAPINE 4 years, 1 month ago

Funds will be allocated to the farmers for seeds, livestock etc. Will these funds be distributed on the purchase and investment, honestly, for all farmers to receive assistance?.not just for persons who are friends and buddies of the ones who is in higher authority.. Allocation of funds to farmers is one thing, the Minister of Agriculture need to get out in the fields and see first hand on what the farmers are dealing with. How long have the farmers here in Eleuthera seeked help from the Ministry for proper roads in order to get to the farms. Along with Epidemic of covid 19 , there is Epidemic of raccoons. They are everywhere, they have increase over the years to the point now where they are in your yard. The raccoons destroys fruits and vegetables. The cages that the packing houses use to give no longer work to trap these animals. They have become smarter. Dogs are station on the farm to try and keep them of as much as possible, but only so much area a dog can cover among the fields. If the farmers in Eleuthera going to provide food for our people there is much more than investing in promix, feed livestock , seeds etc. It is very discouraging sowing seeds and the raccoons reep the rewards. It's almost time to reep pineapples, will we be able to export for sale to all family Islanders. Farmers work very hard to provide fruits and vegetables, it is more profitable to sell them ourselves than to the packing houses to be shipped into Nassau because the funds we receive do not compare to time , work effort and personal monies we put in to achieve our goal. Help us all as farmers in the right manner and we are happy to provide healthy living for our Bahamian People. Make sure that ALL farmers get help. Encourage our citizens to invest in back yard farming..


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