Bimini Chamber backs 2-week island lockdown


Tribune Business Reporter


Bimini's Chamber of Commerce president yesterday said he backed locking the entire island down for two weeks as a means to eliminate the COVID-19 virus and prevent its spread.

Edward Reckley told Tribune Business: "From my team - and also the administrator - they are trying to work closely together to get that done. The chamber agreed for the close down in order to bring this thing to a halt or a better understanding. That is where I stand right now and that is what we all agree to."

Mr Reckley, who is currently stuck in New Providence, said of concerns regarding how residents will fare during the two-week lockdown: "My response to that is it could be a fair thing for the island to go ahead to try and get control of everything, but making sure that all residents are well prepared.

"It's a matter they have to look into in a lot of different ways before coming to that decision, but the chamber supports making sure the necessary things are in place to move forward with that."

Bimini's MP, Pakeisha Parker-Edgecombe, along with Dr Merceline Dahl-Regis, the government's chief advisor on the COVID-19 pandemic, last week said the government is considering a two-week lockdown of the island given that is viewed as a COVID-19 "hot spot" due to the number of infections there.


bahamasgal 4 years ago

Who is Reckley and where exactly is he? Everyone is trying to make decisions for Bimini. There Are movers and shakers and leaders living on the island let them be the decision makers. If you shut Bimini down be sure to have a plan in place to feed the people. I was talking with an elderly lady yesterday who said that she has nine family members in her home and she would at least eight five gallon bottles of water to last them for two weeks. Please pray and ask God for divine wisdom before you go making decisions


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