Police: No permission for Labour Day motorcades


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE Royal Bahamas Police Force has advised that it has not given permission for Labour Day motorcades on Friday.

Several unions were hoping to hold a motorcade on Friday in observance of Labour Day after the annual march was cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Thursday, a press release from the RBPF said it had come to the attention of Police Commissioner Paul Rolle that people were preparing for those motorcades.

“Please be advised that no permission has been granted by the competent authority or the commissioner of police to hold such an event. Persons are encouraged to follow the COVID-19 safety protocols. Any person found in contravention may find themselves cited for the various offences outlined in the Emergency Order. Please govern yourselves accordingly,” the release read.

When contacted for a reaction, Bahamas Public Services Union President Kimsley Ferguson said the union holds a firm position that until the clear is given they will stand down.

“My concern is the safety of Bahamians and workers of this country and so if the government is of the view that there should be no gatherings, the union is not going to then bring a reproach to trade unionism by breaching the protocol that the government of the Bahamas has put in place.

“And so until an all clear is given and persons can participate in the Labour Day parade, Bahamas Public Services Union will abide by whatever regulation has been put in place.”

In preparation for the upcoming holiday, police have also put out a notice warning individuals they will be cited if found breaching the Emergency Orders. Any host of a social gathering will be cited $2,000 plus $300 per patron.

Trade Union Congress (TUC) General Secretary Rock Morris previously blasted the “incompetent authority” over a request for a Labour Day motorcade. Mr Morris said this year is the diamond anniversary of Labour Day.

He said previously that a request had been made several weeks ago to the competent authority and the commissioner of police requesting permission for a motorcade to ride throughout the streets of New Providence and Grand Bahama.

“Two weeks have passed, and the ‘incompetent authority’ does not have the decency to even reply to us. The bottom line is that the ‘incompetent authority’ is of the view that we as workers do not deserve to drive our streets,” Mr Morris said during a previous interview.

“Every day the politicians are all over the place campaigning, driving, walking but they have a difficulty, the competent authority, has a difficulty in saying to the workers of this country exercise your constitutional right. We will ensure that there is safety. . .The position up to now is that the competent authority does not approve of Bahamians riding the streets and to me it is a disgrace and I call upon the ‘incompetent authority’ and he can be offended as much as he wants. This guy just don’t care because obviously they don’t care about us.

“I expect as soon as possible the competent or ‘incompetent authority’ to say ‘we will ensure that you’re able to’ and so I am going to ask all Bahamians whether the ‘incompetent authority’ gives permission to ensure that the streets are operated a certain way I’m going to invite you all Labour Day, the 4th of June, it’s your day. Come out and drive the streets of New Providence, Grand Bahama, or wherever you are. It is your right.”


JokeyJack 2 years, 12 months ago

Bahamian dogs stay home. Find a chain and tie yasef to one tree in da back yard.


carltonr61 2 years, 12 months ago

We are under one world order rules. We are following the cancelation of public culture and history. It started with the destruction cancel culture of October 12,and it's significance to world culture that billions of people and every know the Bahamas as that spot in history. All eyes points to the Bahamas for universal events, yet we canceled our pass. History is a continuum of dots in time. Amazing that African slavery began in the America's 200 years after Columbus, yet he is blamed. Human slavery is mentioned in the Bible and is as old as mankind. Guess junkanoo will be canceled along with Christmas under emergency culture changing rules.


mandela 2 years, 12 months ago

There are traffic jams constantly during certain hours of the day, what is so drastically different when there's a motorcade?


stislez 2 years, 12 months ago

Didnt the plp and fnm have campaigning motorcade? You know wa is bug me, the level of control and fear the police and government have over the people, enough that they wouldn't even fight. I wish all the people who go to labor day parade still come out and block up the roads bey! Lets see if the police out number us. But then you have covid still so das a tricky wibe. I just be feeling like bey the tings bahamians does accept without fighting is crazy when we soooo small a country and the police nor defense force could out number us bey! If people would just see that jed. Is no way possible the police could arrest erryone! And i believe because we are police by our own people it only take a matter of time before the police realise its their family out there protesting, their kids, their mother, brother, sista, aunty, uncle etc. They would have no choice but to join in because like i say we out number them by farrrrr.


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