

  • Hometown: Nassau
  • Location: Nassau, Bahamas
  • Occupation: Bible Teacher


selahlee 11 years, 6 months ago

Gambling in its form as "gaming - a game of CHANCE" - is based entirely on GREED, Avarice and Covetousness in some form and requires no skill or intelligence. Regardless of what some say, the ONLY reason why people gamble is because they want to win - without working. If you take the WINNING possibility out of gambling, no one will gamble "only for fun or entertainment," or even "for charity." Additionally, gamblers want to win BIG, more than what they wager. No one would "gamble" in they knew that they would only "win" what they wagered! This lust, desire or "hope" to get more than what one is willing to pay for, and what does not belong to them, is either covetousness, avarice or greed in one form or another, which leaves FAITH in God completely out of the picture. Thus, it is IMPOSSIBLE for any one to "Gamble" in the true sense of that term, and NOT demonstrate these IMMORAL vices, whether they realize it or not. The act of "true" gambling is IMMORAL by its very nature or ONTHOS.


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