

RyJaLew 11 years, 9 months ago

I am sorry but this is unacceptable, this country will never, and I mean never without a shadow of a doubt be able to develop if you have people who cannot see past the yellow, red, and green of these mediocre parties. Until we Bahamians start to do what is right for ourselves without any political motives behind our actions, nothing will change, and the black crab syndrome will take over. If you have a skilled professionals who can do a job, why fire them or "reassign" them.? Just because they dont support the party at the time? How can we ever get the best people in the positions if we keep doing this crap man. And then people ask why the youth dont want to return to The Bahamas, because all we can see is a nation riddled with issues that have been reoccurring for years! Make the change Bahamas or you will loose out on any successful professional thinking about returning!


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