

CitizenForDecency 9 years, 8 months ago

Regardless of the "motives" of Dr. Rollins, the reality is that the PLP has lost a great deal of public trust. They are viewed as a bunch of misfits who have set out (purposely) to deceived the public. Their shady actions are coming to light and being exposed by their own members. It is better late than never for Dr. Rollins or anyone to expose dirt. What is needed now is for there to be a means of making these deceivers pay a very high political price for there treachery and incompetence, as we (Bahamians) are paying a high price in VAT, Light Bills, Rating Agency downgrades, high crime and a collection of economic woes. They (the PLP) WILL be voted out... but prior to this, they need to be completley exposed and held accountable.

P.S. in case they have not noticed, people are NO LONGER fearing their victimization tactics and are willing to stand up tyranny!


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