Dracula Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere WATCH Online Free Megashare Megavideo PUtlocker, understandably worried, has called the police, but as always with the Bon Temps' finest, enthusiasm is a little thin on the ground. , after all, is a grown man, and considering Sookie's initial reluctance to accept 's proposal, the police blame her. Furious, she pleads for help from everyone she can find, including an in flagrante . Cue lots of averted eyes (she's just a tiny bit impressed) and a smidgeon of flirting, before the agrees to help, in an official capacity, of course.

Dracula Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere WATCH Online Free Megashare Megavideo PUtlocker We are talking about , though, and he's always got another agenda. In this case, it turns out that although he has nothing to do with 's kidnapping, it's only because the F**k You crew beat him to the punch. This unexpected turn of events rather frightens the usually indefatigable , who threatens to go to ground if doesn't tell Queenie about this himself.

Dracula Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere WATCH Online Free Megashare Megavideo PUtlockerWith all the V-themed machinations, it seems that is a marked man, and the Queen would not be happy if lost him. Lucky then, that she just happens to drop by Fangtasia that night, with the magister in tow. They apparently need to ‘discuss' a sudden influx of in the area. They know a vampire is responsible and have come to for answers.

Both Queenie and play along until the magister leaves, at which point it becomes dangerously obvious that is in way over his head. If he doesn't move the remaining V that she supplied, in the next 24 hours, he'll find himself answering for her crimes.

Dracula Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere WATCH Online Free Megashare Megavideo PUtlocker Again, we're talking about , and you know how much he likes to be told what to do, but in an hilariously Al Capone-type situation, the tax man is after her, and she won't bow to the man. She needs cash and she needs it now, leaving and his local V conduit, , with no choice but to capitulate. On the bright side, she doesn't seem too bothered about 's unplanned disappearance, so bonus.

It's not like doesn't have enough on his plate already. Having been forced to physically remove from both Merlotte's and Sookie's after she attacks and then her best friend, he's left forced to rely on the God-bothering, ex-drunk that is 's mother. Working two jobs and selling V in the side is a tad time consuming, and as can't be left alone, the mother's all he's got to work with.

Dracula Season 1 Episode 1 Premiere WATCH Online Free Megashare Megavideo PUtlocker As is to be expected, Mrs believes that only the power of God can save her daughter, and apparently not having paid attention to anything that's happened to in the recent past, she decides a visit from Reverend Daniels is in order.


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