Building national character


Angela Palacious

By Rev Angela Bosfield Palacious

For those of us who are adults, we have a real responsibility, as outlined in Ex. 12: 25-27 to teach from the example of our worship, our living and lifestyle, to build strong characters in children by modelling excellence yourself.

Joshua 4: 5-7 reminds us to teach our children what God has done for us in our lives.  We have to let the present be more meaningful than the past, and concentrate on keeping our anointing by reading the word of God daily,  praying almost without ceasing, worshipping with predictable  regularly, giving tithes and offering generously, and sharing with them what serving God has done for us.

1 Chron. 28: 8-10 speaks of the need to be sensitive to our children’s gifts and talents not imposing on them our hopes and dreams, but to see what God seems to be choosing for them to do.  Let them inherit your Godliness, your holiness that surrounds them all day long as you put God first.

In the home, in the classroom, in civic and church groups let us build them and each other with our praise, encouragement, example and godly counsel.  Let them see a clear path of righteousness:  No shacking up or sleeping around; no cursing; no violence; no pornography; no cruelty in the name of training them up; no lying, cheating or stealing.

To our young adult, recent graduates, youth and children, I offer:

Proverbs 1-7: To have knowledge, you must first have reverence for the Lord.  Stupid people have no respect for wisdom and refuse to learn.

Pay attention to what your father and mother tell you, my child.

Their teaching will empower your character as a handsome turban

or necklace improves your appearance.

Proverbs 2: 2
Learn what I teach you, my child and never forget what I tell you

to do.

Listen to what is wise and try to understand it.
As we look around at the various persons in our country who have different stories to tell about life, let us all listen and learn.  There is strength in unity, there is prosperity with justice, there is peace with
 mutual respect.  If the Lord builds our spiritual character we will be a
great nation, standing firm and immovable on the rock of Christian principles and active faith .  We have a great future ahead of us if it is God’s plan that we follow.


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