Atlantis staff sworn to secrecy over failed heist

ATLANTIS employees have been “sworn to secrecy” over the foiled attempted robbery of the casino’s cashier cage.

When The Tribune arrived at the hotel, a security officer manning the electronic gate of the Coral Towers said employees were told in a briefing not to speak with members of the press under any circumstances.

The Tribune attempted to speak with hotel security chiefs, but they were said to be out of office.

One employee claimed that not even security heads are allowed to speak about the incident, and all questions must be directed to the public relations department.

According to employees at shops that rent space from Atlantis, moments after the incident a complete evacuation of the area was ordered.

One employee said they feared being affected by tear gas that had somehow got into air vents after one of the robbers sprayed a substance to distract attendants in the cage.

She said: “People had to get out of the store because of the tear gas. The store closed for a while before we were allowed to return a while later.

“I can’t say anything more because we’ve been told that we would get into problems for speaking to anyone about the incident.”

Another worker said: “I was so terrified that maybe it was a bigger deal than they were telling us. That’s all I have to say.” =


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