What does this scripture mean to you?

“You shall have no other gods before me. “You shall not make for yourself an image in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below.” (Exodus 20:3-4)


Tribune Features Reporter


IN EXODUS 20, the bible states: “You shall have no other gods before me.” Christians shared their understanding of the message communicated in Exodus.

“People should know that God must always come first in everything. You should not put your faith in anything but him.

As Christians, we should trust God to supply our needs and take care of us. Putting our faith in things of this world is just wrong,” said Christina Johnson. 
For Rachel Fox, her understanding of the scripture is that only God should be put on a pedestal. She said: “These days people praise humans and material things and this should not be so. Whether they are praising their favourite celebrity or TV show, it comes to a point where it is not acceptable in a biblical aspect. No one is better than the next person and I think everyone should be treated equal, no matter what they have or don’t have.”
Layla Carr said she interprets the scripture as God’s warning not to worship false idols. “Although I appreciate artistic presentations of angels, God’s son Jesus Christ, and other religious figures, I recognise that ultimately to worship these figures rather than the spiritual being they are purported to represent, is not right. Also perhaps it is God’s warning to not be fooled by fellow persons who present themselves as divine figures.”
People can make anything their god. From their wives and husbands, to their cars, homes and precious jewels, said Pentecostal member Latesha Wright.
“You are idolising them and God is a jealous God, only he must be worshipped like that. If you do not worship him like that, then those things you idolise will be removed from your life. He wants all of you. You can love people and things, but when you come to the point where you are idolising, you have to stop.”
Ashley Newbold said although some people may not create an image or build an idol of stone today, they make the things of the world their gods.
“God created things to be used, and not to be exalted by humanity. Jesus should be the only one exalted, simply because he sacrificed himself so that we may have a better life. However, people neglect this truth, and bow down to things like money, wealth, assets, alcohol and other things. God is the creator and he deserves all glory from his people,” said Ms Newbold.


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