Safety tips for festive season

WITH the holiday season in full swing, the police are urging the public not to present any easy targets to the criminals who usually thrive at this time of year.

In a statement issued yesterday, the police said most criminals perform illegal acts “out of the opportunities they are given”.

“Some of these opportunities are extremely simple, such as a car door being unlocked and a purse or wallet sitting in plain view,” it said.

Police said in an effort to keep safe, members of the public should adhere to the following tips:

• Keep all your windows and doors locked when your house is unattended.

• Don’t leave Christmas presents in view.

• Dispose of empty goods boxes discreetly, as these are a giveaway of the type of valuables you have in your home.

When out shopping, police recommend that you:

• Try not to take your eyes off your debit or credit card when someone else is handling it.

• Make sure store employees only swipe your card once.

• Keep an eye on your personal belongings at all times – don’t leave your purse unattended.

• If you see something suspicious, contact police.

“If you see anyone acting unusual or taking part in an illegal activity, be a good citizen and report the situation to police. If you can safely do so, gather suspect info, clothing info, any associated vehicles (including a license plate number), and turn that info over to police,” the statement said.


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