Honouring your parents

By Allison Miller

Honour thy father and mother That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.

Two Saturdays ago I was scheduled to work on a shift that turned out to be exceedingly hectic. However, it was my pleasure to serve each customer. Their was a particular couple that had me in delightful amazement. More so it was the woman who I assumed was the man’s daughter. My assessment was proven when she called him ”daddy”. This young lady brought her father to his eye appointment and went in with him in the examination room, so she could understand what was going on with his eyes. After all that was done she took care of the bill. Now you be thinking why is this lady is making such a big deal about how some woman treated her dad?

I’ll tell you what the big deal is. What I witness on Saturday was a great example of how all of us as children are supposed to treat our parents. Yes I know that many of us have issues with our mothers and fathers, nevertheless, that does not change God’s word in regards to them. Maybe they were absent when we were children or favored a sibling and showed it. Maybe they never said, “I love you.” Or whatever the issue was. The bible says that we are to honour our parents that our days on the earth may be long. This may not be a comfort but God will deal with him, her or them. Just be obedient to what he has instructed us to do.

Now this man may have not done anything for his daughter when she was a child, but that did not stop her from dealing with her father in a manner that is just commendable. I salute all of you who sincerely honour your parent or parents. If an award was giving out that day she would be a recipient. I believe that the lord was pleased with her attitude towards her father.

It does not matter what was or wasn’t done for us by our parents. God knows all things and he will deal with every situation accordingly. What matters is our attitude towards them will determine how God will deal with us.


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