Dont's believe the lie

EDITOR, The Tribune.

If the count of those persons employed in the illegal web shop industry gathered in front of Parliament amounted to twenty-five hundred to three thousand persons yesterday, then the web shops throughout the country should all have been closed. Don’t believe the lie. These persons were hired for just this purpose. Vote NO!



January 22, 2013.


shortpants 11 years, 2 months ago

Like the sayings goes you can buy only uneducated fools for weed,conch snack and blue Mystic.cheap labor that's what they let this PM and his bunch of cronies bring them too.


nicolae 11 years, 2 months ago

I think that every webshop should be checked. As every big company who does an http://www.sentrylink.com/">employment criminal background check when they hire someone it has to be done the same with the webshops. We have to know the persons who manage these webshops.


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