The joy of the lord is my strength


Tribune Features Writer


WHERE does the strength of believers come from? It is found in the joy of lord which is the strength of everyone who believes in Christ Jesus.

According to Nehemiah 8:10 which states: “Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our lord. And do not be grieved, for the joy of the lord is your strength, one’s physical power comes from that which is supernatural.”

“The joy of the lord is our strength and this scripture speaks for only believers. When Jesus was at the well he said ‘he that believe in me out of his belly shall flow rivers of living waters’ and I can only guess that the rivers of living waters is the joy of the lord,” said Tony Sawyer, a Christian.

The joy that comes from a union with Christ is never influenced by what is happening outwardly. This pleasure and happiness is constant regardless of what may be going on in the world.

“It is a joy that comes directly from him. It is that joy that gives you the strength despite the troubles. Only God’s joy can strengthen you in time of trouble. This is something that no man can or nothing can take away,” he said.

“This is the joy that comes from him supernaturally. Those who are in Christ experience this joy which only he can give to us. That is just like the peace that keeps us. This peace is not like the world because it is supernatural. It is not possible to have the joy of the lord without having him. That joy is not influenced by outward circumstance either. You may cry because of what you may be going through but joy comes from the hope we have in him. The hope is the expectation of seeing him one day and that is what we are looking forward to,” he said.

Tanya, a methodist follower said what benefit is Christ to believers if they do not receive his joy and allow it to flow from the inside out?

“This is what separates the sheep from the goat. We are Christians we are not of the world because we operate differently. When others are sad and downtrodden we are supposed to filled with joy and peace. Yes we have to face difficult circumstances, but those difficulties should not get the best of us because we know Jesus is our champion and has conquered everything. He reigns, and he promised to always deliver us from any circumstance once we believe and trust him,”she said.

Joy and happiness are two different things, Ramona, a born-again believer told Tribune Religion. She said joy comes from what believers know from God’s word.

“When I go through trials, I remind myself of what God’s word says. By remaining connected to the word in the midst of hard times, the joy of the lord keeps me strong and enables me to be victorious,” she said.


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