What is the focus of your attention?

By Michelle Miller

“That what you give your attention to, particularly your emotional attention, is that which you draw into your experience.” The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction states: “You get what you think about whether you want it or not”. While many of us remain unaware of this powerful law, its indelible effect on our lives continues to unfold within our every moment. It is only when we understand the dynamics of this universal principle that we become adept to mastering our challenges and fulfilling our purpose.

At its most fundamental level, this principle deals with the focus of our attention. What we think about we eventually bring about. Begin to wrap your head around this incredible concept by asking yourself some bigger questions: What is the focus of my attention? Am I experiencing what I really want in my life?

Everything that is materialized into our physical world is the direct result of someone asking bigger questions. Just take a look at the world of telecommunications.

The object of your attention

As off springs of the master creator, we are gifted with genius minds, which are creative, imaginative and ready to serve. However, our inner sense of curiosity seems disengaged.

As difficult as it may be to believe, your life experience is determined by the focus of your attention and subsequent emotional energy. When we give a project or idea our full attention, it manifests, almost instantaneously. You can measure this theory by your achievement of a set goal. How did you make it happen?

Let us say that the object of your attention was to save the down payment for your home. Such a major undertaking requires serious focus. You would need to make a deliberate decision about what you really want; Believe that it is attainable; Accept the inevitable sacrifices that must be made; Summons the willpower to ignore impulse spending; and stay focused on the big picture.

When we lose focus and shift the object of our attention, we allow distractions to take centre stage, which impedes the realization of our objectives.

Focus is purely a deliberate act. Writer Ron White states: “Inside of each living person is an incredible force. This force can cure disease, grow ideas, build businesses or make a positive impact on the world. However, for the force to be useful it must be focused.”

Capability to control your attention

Only you have the power to control your attention. Attention and concentration fuels your power and purpose, motivating you to achieve whatever goal you have set. It is remarkable that despite the oceans of abundance and power that we innately possess, many have rendered themselves powerless; but a life of powerless living, leads only to frustration and unrealized dreams.

You must take your rightful place as the creator of your own reality; your only obstacle is knowing who you are and what you really want. Crucially important as this is, many have absolutely no idea as to what they really want; unconsciously settling for a carbon copied life. Yet your authenticity is a priceless possession.

Unless you consciously place yourself in the driver’s seat of your life, you will never experience the beautiful life for which you were intended. When you look at the magnificence of this planet – the sun, stars, waterfalls, flowers, birds – take one deliberate second and recognize that the master creator of it all not only created you but created you after the same image and likeness.

You have unlimited power to focus your attention and draw from this abundant universe what you truly desire. It is the law.

Jean Charles states: “Focus is one of the most important ingredients in successful goal achievement.” As an acronym, it stands for: Formulate your goals; Optimise your resources; Clarify your intentions; Unify your energies; Simplify your life.

As you begin to formulate your goals, ask yourself bigger questions about what you really want and pay attention to what you are giving your attention to.

Remember the law of attraction is a universal principle, reminding us that “like attracts like”. I encourage you not to get caught up in your own ‘proof theory’, but rather to focus on what you really want. Only you have your power: get up and make it happen.

• Michelle M. Miller is a certified Life-Coach, Leadership Expert and Author of Take The Lead. She is the CEO of TTL Coaching Strategies and founder of the Girls Leadership Coaching Club. Questions or comments can be sent to email coaching242@yahoo.com or telephone 429-6770.


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