What does FNM vote tell us?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

If Hubert Ingraham had thrown his hat into the race Hubert Ingraham would have beaten Hubert Minnis by the same number as Minnis beat Butler-Turner. This to me was a victory of the Ingraham faction of the FNM.

Politics being what politics is we have to look at the immediate past performance of Mr Minnis as Leader of as he so likes to describe himself, Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition and see a lacklustre performance whilst you see in contrast the forcefulness of Loretta Butler-Turner who even the front line of the PLP seem worried about.

Is Prime Minister Christie smiling today after the defeat of Butler-Turner? Well this is a two-sided sword… one thing for sure Christie did not want to have to face Butler-Turner for the next two plus years as Leader of the Opposition but would have loved her guarantee on Article 4 of the referendum which could well now be really prejudiced as Minnis doesn’t seem too sure of himself on that.

There is no doubt the PLP are smiling today with the outcome as is the DNA although their sparkle is quickly disappearing with silly pronouncements like that on Capital Punishment - Mr McCartney is an attorney surely he knows any accused has the right of due legal process?

The next 24 months will be a test between the economic damage that VAT might do and cause a consider negative opinion of the PLP in the largest segment of the electorate where nothing will redeem the PLP (maybe Greg Moss will be right?).

Mr Christie will be in 2017 in his 73rd year… and 38 per cent plus of the voting public will be under 40. Mr Christie thrives on dinosaur ideas of the past and does not as a result of his conservatism satisfy the majority so their disenchantment could well spell defeat if Christie decides to stay.

Headache number (1) who will be the successor? Is there one?

The public clearly sees there is no immediate name – they currently say Fred Mitchell but… Davis has lost his polish as have the majority of the others. Aspiring PMs, oh  many, but if they can’t cook in the political kitchen, no chance, as Christie has the majority of Stalwart Councillors who control the PLP like Mr Ingraham did in the FNM leadership yesterday.

The Ingraham control was evident in that Peter Turnquest nomination late this week, but won clearly a late decision of the controlling element, Ingraham & Co when their first choice tripped up in campaigning. In reality, Mr Ingraham is a very powerful political person even out of office.



November 22, 2014.


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