Who's a leader now

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am watching with interest to see what the so-called “leader” of the present PLP government is going to do in regards to the Renward Wells situation. As far as I know, Mr Christie has called for Mr Wells to resign after signing without Cabinet authorisation, a $600m contract. So far nothing has happened.

A similar situation happened recently in the FNM when everyone waited for John Bostwick to resign. Not similar in that Bostwick made an error, but similar in that the leader of the FNM had a decision to make. As leader, he made that decision.

Dr Minnis did what he had to do! Will Mr Christie do what he has to? Let’s see who’s a leader now!



July 24, 2014.


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 9 months ago

No of course not.... Perry has no desire to actually lead. He just wants his pension....


birdiestrachan 9 years, 9 months ago

He did not sign a contract, Big difference a letter of intent., Minnis firing Bostwick.. Bostwick has a serious criminal case... .


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