The beauty of Briland

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Kindly allow me space for another article in your valuable newspaper.

Romans chapter 3, verse 23 reads - “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”.

Briland is a beautiful, historic and picturesque place, but the young citizens are not making any preparation for the after-life.

They live as though every day is the last day. I sincerely hope that they not only live like this, but share and try to proselytize others.

In Ecclesiastes’ opening chapters, one reads of remembering thy creator in the days of their youth, while the evil days come not.



January 19, 2015.


Sickened 8 years, 12 months ago

WTF is this person trying to say? This person sounds like nut job!


digimagination 8 years, 12 months ago

It's OK...quoting the Good Book chapter and verse isn't going to change anything anytime soon.


TheMadHatter 8 years, 12 months ago

Perhaps he/she is referring to the "party atmosphere" of the island? Perhaps he/she is offended that the young people are not sorrowful and downtrodden always considering "the last days" and "God's wrath" as he/she was likely taught to do.

Many people are having a hard time grappling with the news that God is our father, he loves us, he is forgiving, and he doesn't own a fire pit to throw us in.

Over the years, it has actually shocked me that there have been no reports of Christian parents literally putting their children in home-made pits of fire - since their teachings are that that is what their "father" does to people who don't follow the rules.



duppyVAT 8 years, 12 months ago

Briland is a lil dutty Haitian-infested shit-hole ............................ thank God for several rich white investors. This is not the Briland of 100 years ago ................... its a nasty dump


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