Failing education

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Why do we allow those in charge of education to make people feel comfortable with being below average? It is not OK.

The BGCSE results in these past years have not been OK and we should not feel encouraged! We are being taught that it is acceptable to settle for being below average, we are moulding minds to stay comfortable in being small. Yet we have the power to be anything in the world. As long as we live, we have the right to learn and be somebody.

They are encouraged by failing results because education is power – the less educated the people of this country are, the more power they have to control us. Do not let them control you. Listen to that voice in your head telling you to fight for yourself and for your rights.

We are teaching the prospective future politicians, teachers, doctors, lawyers, life-coaches and business owners of this country that it’s OK for them to settle for being a cashier making minimum wage for the rest of their life, but it’s not.

We aren’t guiding future generations in the right direction by telling them it’s acceptable to fail. Of course they should not be punished, but telling them it’s OK is a form of punishment in itself. We should instead teach them and show them what all they are truly capable of becoming. We must open the minds of our people and our children and put a fight to live a successful life back in their lives. We are not living, we are settling!

Lack of education and settling for failure is the reason this country continues to fall apart.



August 24, 2015.


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