Family wait for answers over John Henry Frazier's death


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE family of a 64-year-old man, who it is claimed was beaten and robbed earlier this week, are waiting for answers after he died in the Princess Margaret Hospital as a result of his injuries.

The Tribune has been told that John Henry Frazier, whose stage name was John Chanler, was allegedly assaulted while attempting to fix a flat tyre on his vehicle in the Collins Avenue and Gibbs Corner area around 4pm on Tuesday.

The victim's sister, Jackie Frazier, told The Tribune that the family has been given very little information and have been forced to piece together small facts gleaned through phone calls that members of the family had with Mr Frazier hours before his death in hospital on Wednesday.

"We are struggling to understand this," Ms Frazier said. "All we know at this time is that he was struck in the head on Tuesday, drove himself to the hospital and that he had to have surgery."

Ms Frazier explained that on his way to the Princess Margaret Hospital on Tuesday, he phoned his mother to inform her of what had transpired at the Centreville intersection. Later, Mr Frazier's mother was told by hospital officials that he would need emergency surgery after medical tests showed severe bleeding in his skull.

On Wednesday, she said Mr Frazier went into surgery around noon. Procedures were unsuccessful and that his heart failed a short time later.

When contacted, the hospital referred The Tribune to the police, who did not respond to questions.


ThisIsOurs 8 years, 11 months ago

Changing a flat tire....

Bahamianpride 8 years, 11 months ago

Evil compounded by incompetence at the Princess Death Hospital. If u can afford it, take your sick/injured to doctors hospital, otherwise u better off going to bush man especially if u old. it's past time for an official inquiry into quality of care at PMH.

TruePeople 8 years, 10 months ago

Doc isn't much better sadly

birdiestrachan 8 years, 11 months ago

maybe not , sometimes injury to the head is fatal. It is to bad that some one would harm him in this way. I am sorry for his family members.

Bahamianpride 8 years, 11 months ago

Birdie u probably fly to U.S for health care, anyone knows with PMH you better be there constantly or your love one gets piss poor treatment, staff generally have an attitude problem. So Birdie what happened with all the people this year who went in for simply procedures and ended up dead ( D Andjoua Beneby. Just recently). We have to improve health care Birdie, more important than patisan politics.

jackbnimble 8 years, 10 months ago

Sound like this is murder number __.

TruePeople 8 years, 10 months ago

Ya, Tribune lost count already

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