Nothing new under the sun

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Seems you have problems with discrimination, (Letters, Faceless, 11/2 15). Something that I have been speaking out for 30 years, in Austria, Canada, Ireland, the USA and at the College of the Bahamas, the Church on Blake Road and assorted schools – telling that G-D created different birds that sing different songs, different flowers that smell differently.

Would it not be boring if all the human beings would be exactly alike! And (pointing) if you had no choice in what family, with what religion and what skin colour you were born, this one over there had no choice and to discriminate against any one is ridiculous and makes no sense! Your holocaust survivor, Walter Absil.



February 12, 2015.

PS: Jews do not spell out the word G-D!


TheMadHatter 9 years, 1 month ago

The problem is not about a particular race or people's right to a better life. The problem is that these people are trying to overbreed and outnumber Bahamians to the point of putting us out of existence.

You mention the holocaust. Bahamians are currently experiencing genocide in their own country - whereby in a short 60 years from now there will be no more pure-blooded Bahamians.

It is genocide without the gas chambers.


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