The basics of healthy living

Dr Monique Thompson

Dr Monique Thompson

By Dr Monique Thompson

THE overriding purpose of this and future columns is to educate and empower you to regain control of your health! Each individual is responsible for their health and it is, by far, our greatest investment. Today we are starting with the basics of healthy living. Today, we taper bad habits! Are you ready?

Temperance & Trust: “If you like it, let it kill you” is not temperance. Temperance is exercising restraint and being moderate. Therefore, let us strive for moderation in all things...except love. In a world where chaos and fear seems to abound all around, I want to remind you to “Trust in the lord with all your heart; and lean not on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5.

Air/Breathing: Breathing deeply and properly improves circulation and sleep, is calming, helps detoxify the body, and improves energy. Who would have thought that something as simple as taking deep breaths could be so....amazing?!

Proper nutrition is essential: Everything that we choose to ingest is of some consequence to our body – either for good or to our detriment. Our bodies are fascinating biochemical machines and, like all great machines, they need the right materials to function at their best. If we do not acquire proper nutrition, we will eventually malfunction which is expressed as disease. Nutrition is a huge topic, and we will delve into it more in future articles, but the step we can take today is to have every meal look like this:

Note that half of the plate is fruits and vegetables....not only peas ‘n rice or chicken! Healthy whole grains like brown rice and quinoa, and proteins such as fish, beans, and eggs, make up the other half of the plate. Broccoli, yogurt, soymilk, and other calcium-rich foods should also accompany each meal. Also, because humans are essentially gorgeous bags of water, it is essential that we consume at least half our body weight in ounces per day. Be sure to enjoy some with every meal.

Exercise: If pharmaceutical companies could put exercise in a pill, it would be the world’s best-selling medicine ever! Here’s why: Exercise makes you feel good by releasing endorphins, it reduces stress, helps you sleep, detoxifies, and significantly lowers the risk of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. It helps to improve these conditions and is a great preventative tool! Exercise can be a fun social event that bonds families, friends, and co-workers alike. Generally 30 minutes of moderate physical activity five days per week, or 20 minutes of vigorous physical activity three days per week will help you reap these rewards.

Rest & Relaxation: Oooh chile! Consider this the doctor’s prescription for you to take 30 minutes everyday to relax, and centre yourself. Sufficient sleep improves mood, memory, attention and learning; and reduces stress and the risk of developing depression. Children require 9-11 hours per night, while adults generally need 7-8 hours. Tip to Reduce Your BEC Bill: Turn the television off and sleep in a dark quiet room.

*Disclaimer – this information is not intended to diagnose or treat any condition, rather to be used for educational purposes. Dr. Thompson is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor & Founder of Cornerstone Healing Institute, 356-0083.


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