Garbage spoiling our nation

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Is the Department of Environmental Health awake?

Every time there’s a strong wind from the north or north east, the area opposite the fish market next to the Sailing Club turns into a sea of garbage.

It is disgusting and I can’t help but wonder what the many visitors who now frequent that area think of us as a people.

Unsecured garbage, such as Styrofoam containers, cups, plastic bags and so on, covers the roadside and park areas.

Atlantis and a group of corporate citizens generously maintain and clean the area.

Is it asking too much for the vendors to secure their garbage? How can we so casually ruin our beautiful environment? What is the Department of Environmental Health doing to deal with this problem?



March 13, 2015.


Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 1 month ago

Most of the garbage in our Nation actually sits in chairs within our local zoo called Parliament!


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