Some entertainers are selfish

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Some Junkanoo groups and entertainers who are praying for the Junkanoo Carnival to be a flop are nothing less than patriotic. Why would anyone who loves the Bahamas want anything that is happening in the Bahamas that is supposed to benefit Bahamians be a flop?

The level of selfishness of some entertainers is sickening. If the “song is not about them” then it should fail. What happens to the many vendors who stand to profit from the event, should they not make some money?

What happens to the hundred of Bahamians who have already secured their costumes, should they not have the experience that they paid for? Why should it fail? Just because some want it all for themselves mean that if they can’t have their way, the apples in the cart should all be squashed. Utter nonsense!

The wise Junkanoo groups would use the festival to help them prepare for the upcoming Junkanoo season. The proceeds derived from the event could go well toward the financing of the two parade.

The real “junkanooers” will support the Junkanoo Carnival; just like they are excited about the many themes from far away lands. That they depict on Boxing and New Year’s Day parades. They would support it just like they do while playing all of the songs that are not Bahamian on Bay Street.

Let’s build this country, not being tunnel vision, but by expanding our thoughts words and deeds.

Junkanoo is coming, it is not going. You would be shocked who has already purchased their costumes. Many who are criticising will right there “carrying on bad!”



April 30, 2015.


asiseeit 8 years, 11 months ago

The definition of "Culture". http://dictionary.reference.com/brows...">http://dictionary.reference.com/brows... Nothing in this definition makes me think a first time event qualify as Bahamian culture.


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