Less talking, more action

EDITOR, The Tribune

In Scotland this summer, I read The Tribune on the Internet with horror. Everything that could seemed to be going wrong in the Bahamas, my home for a good many years and I hope years to come.

The word “Blame” was in the headline or stories a lot. That is not new. But can no one be man enough in The Bahamas to take responsibility for their decisions or method of dealing with a problem – it is always the fault of someone else and no one ever suggests a solution to the many problems.

From this state of affairs, it is always the people that suffer. And one wonders how much more they can take. The credibility of politicians must be at an all time low. For example they can pass a law about keeping dolphins in captivity within 24 hours because it suits them but they cannot get to grips with the Freedom of Information Act after two years – no sense.

They need to stop talking and act – and with transparency. Make decisions and explain why. And if they are wrong so be it but do something instead of talking in riddles and blaming everyone else for what is going wrong.

No more “Blame” as everyone is to blame, including the people who caste their vote at election time without thinking.



November 2, 2015.


TruePeople 8 years, 5 months ago

the blame game is their method of smoke and mirrors, they actually just want to teef up money and power, and they're all pretty similar in wanting / doing this, they they all run out making alot of noise and pointing fingers in all directions in order to confuse people and throw them off the trail as much as possible.

Then the Bahamian people who love controversy get caught right up in the talk till they even forget the issue, and ya politician boys dem just laugh to demself


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