Wells and Rollins shows weakness of FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Wednesday news from the House of Parliament of the resignation from the PLP of Wells and Rollins, does not merit headlines.

I suggest that the reflection on the leadership of the FNM is extreme and very damaging, as it confirms the lack of maturity in the leadership by accepting Wells and Rollins.

So to get two additional votes, they probably promised a secure constituency nomination for Election 2017, and even crazy as it might be, a Ministerial appointment if the FNM prevail.

Sorry, Dr Minnis, another “teachable” but this time on the FNM.

The FNM will again fragment their party...



November 4, 2015.


proudloudandfnm 8 years, 5 months ago

Agreed. I see no reason to recruit these young men. Maybe Rollins one day. But Wells? No man. He still has not answered on the LOI scandal. So now that he's FNM we just have to ignore the LOI thing?

As for Rollins how long you think he'll sit quiet under Minnis' leadership?

I predict not very long....


MonkeeDoo 8 years, 5 months ago

You'll go far and wide to find a virgin in this country. Ain't anybody pure so what you worrying about. You know 38 people who got a squeaky clean record in the Bahamas ?


Publius 8 years, 5 months ago

Not everyone in this country is thieves and crooks. It is that false equivalence mindset that keeps people in the clutches of defeat, doomed to accept whatever trash presents itself for choice.


Sickened 8 years, 5 months ago

Everyone in charge is. What do you propose we do? Stay positive in the belief that our D Average youth will one day be intelligent enough to vote for decent human beings, regardless of the color of their shirts or skin. The titanic is going down. Get out of your bed and get into a life boat!!!!!


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