Redundancy madness

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The government’s plans to eliminate the Employment Acts twelve-year cap on redundancy pay is their latest act of lunacy, no doubt promoted by the more trade union steeped among them, and comes as a knife in the back of the private sector.

Many of the local businesses have been barely hanging on by their finger nails in the depressed economy of the last 5-6 years with those in the construction industry in particular being negatively affected, and especially those businesses now caught up in the Baha Mar receivership debacle.

With government’s announced intention of effectively taking away downsizing as a viable business survival option, many in the business community must be seriously thinking of folding their tent while they still have a tent to fold.

The fallout from enacting this stupidity in this parlous economic climate will be at the very least ruinous if not catastrophic for many in the business community.



November 4, 2015.


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