Bell’s blame game

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Keith Bell, the state minister of national security, has stirred from his political slumber to blame the country’s current crime catastrophe on the previous government.

While it is true the previous administration adopted an ostrich-like approach to the crime crisis and related issues, such as education and prison reform, the blame for today’s carnage can be laid squarely at the feet of the PLP government.

I invite the media to publish, chapter by chapter, the 1984 report of the Commission of Inquiry’s investigation into the transshipment of drugs through the Bahamas and drug related corruption.

For balance, report the outcome of court proceedings springing from the commission’s recommendations.

And don’t forget Inspector Richter’s special report dealing with the PERSONAL FINANCES of some of the principal players.

It is a travesty when villains are made into heroes. The results are tragic.

The media has a responsibility to educate and Mr. Bell and his cohorts must not be allowed to rewrite history.



October 29, 2015.


MonkeeDoo 8 years, 5 months ago

I endorse the invitation to the Media to report as you indicate. I just wish it could be published on plywood sheets in Rawson Square.


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