It’s time for Christie to move on

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Re Perry Christie

It’s quite instructive to read the newspapers from other parts of the Caribbean. Recently, a leader column in the Jamaican Gleaner was praising the new government led by Andrew Holness (age 44) and how his new policies are beginning to bear fruit and I quote: “The prospects for the economy are at a record levels, according to the surveys of business and consumer confidence.”

Holness, a young smart man full of ideas and vision, and with the energy and youthful enthusiasm to carry them out.

If you surveyed businessmen here as to their confidence in the economy we all know the answer would be resoundingly negative.

Contrast Holness to Perry Christie. Christie a man long past his prime. Witness any of his recent speeches, long winded shambolic dross from a man clearly suffering from the onset of senility. What ideas and vision for his nation does Christie have? None.

Sell Baha Mar at all costs and it looks — if rumours are to be believed – like it might go to one of, if not the biggest gangster on the planet. Does he care, no it’s political expediency, it gets him out of an immediate problem.

What ideas and vision does he have in spending our (mine and yours) hard earned VAT money? Does he intend to pay down on the national debt which was the initial reason for VAT? We all know the answer to that is a resounding “No”. Does he have a vision of how he will deal with the credit agencies, does he even understand the power of economic down grades? No, they will be lied to a game of subterfuge, its the shell game” which shell has the pea under it, Mr Moody”? Like these people are stupid?

Are the” smart” people in the PLP aware of Christie’s slide into senility with all the obvious repercussions for our nation?

You betcha Fred Mitchell and Brave Davis are fully aware of Christie’s catastrophic downward spiral. Will they act on that knowledge? No chance.

If Christie was running a major corporation, let’s say Apple as an example, the owners and shareholders would have put him out to pasture years ago. Thanks, but no thanks. You would think with all his obvious frailities he would lose hands down in a leadership battle to a younger more vibrant man, such as Sears.

No, there is not the remotest chance of Sears winning. To understand the logic of something so inherently illogical you have to understand the mentality of third world democracies. Cronyism and sycophants make the leader all powerful.

It’s utterly irrelevant as to what’s best for the country.

I understand that one of Christie’s political heroes is Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe. Mugabe is 92 years of age and has been in power for 29 years. In this time, he has dismantled the Zimbabwe economy. Since 2000 the GOP has dropped a full 40 per cent. Another man long into senility, gripping on to power at all costs via fear and tyranny.

Please go, Mr Christie, for all our sakes.



August, 2016.


Sickened 7 years, 8 months ago

Yes, please go and take your lousy PLP as well as your numbers criminals with you. None of them are welcome any more.

It's sad that it only took a couple of dozen greedy, corrupt, nasty sub-humans to bring a beautiful and successful country to its knees.


Well_mudda_take_sic 7 years, 8 months ago

Pindling all along knew Christie was incapable of doing anything good for the country as his successor and scornfully saddled us with Christie as a result of his embarrassing loss to Ingraham in 1992. Ever since Pindling has been laughing from his grave at his traitorous Bahamian people who let him down in 1992. Remember, Christie was not labelled "Vomit" by Pindling for no good reason!


Emac 7 years, 8 months ago

I agree with you right up to the part where you insinuated that Alfred Sears would be a viable replacement for Christie. If the truth be told, no one in the PLP can do anything to remove the stain and the bad reputation that the PLP has developed over the years. So as Sickened says, be gone with all of you PLPs!


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