Error in notice to mariners

EDITOR, The Tribune.

INASMUCH as the “powers that be” seem unable to keep our traffic lights in New Providence functioning, we should not be too surprised when The Ministry of Transport and Aviation, (Port Department), publishes a notice in your newspaper under the heading  “ Aids-to-Navigation on the Little Bahama Bank”, following which, it proceeds to list five navigation lights.

None of the lights listed, of course, are located on the Little Bahama Bank, as indicated, but are on the Great Bahama Bank which is tacitly acknowledged in the final paragraph of the notice, but only insofar as Mariners are advised to “use extreme caution when navigating on the Great Bahama Bank”.  

This notice is published by authority of the Acting Port Controller, who would be expected to know the difference between these two “Banks”.  

It is to be hoped that following the advertised “aggressive approach” to relighting these long extinguished navigation aids, that a proper notice to that effect will be published.

For a little humour one can “Google” these light names, and read the humorous chatter that visiting mariners have written about us.  It’s better in the Bahamas!.  



August 22, 2016.


Sickened 7 years, 8 months ago

It would be a good start if they would fix the navigation lights in the friggin' harbour of New Providence. A couple of those yellow buoys/lights got mashed up at least a couple of years ago and still aren't fixed.


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