Sick and tired of promises

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I am not a lawyer, or an outstanding businessman, I am a simple Bahamian trying to wrap my head around the roller coaster ride that has been the Baha Mar fiasco.

Putting aside the numerous proclamations of potential positives from the PM which have left a sour taste in my mouth more than a lot of the news we have had to endure as a country ie downgrades, resort layoffs, cancelled investments, crime, education stats, oil spills, cover-ups and the list goes on, I am left dumbfounded at what I can only perceive to be further blatant insults to the collective intelligences of the Bahamian people.

Here we have a prime minister who, it would appear might have not only facilitated in the stalling of this resort’s development, he has repeatedly promised positive news which has got the hopes of many up, only to be let down again and again when they do not come to fruition.

We have a prime minister who appears to have displayed an unprecedented contempt for the livelihood of thousands of Bahamians from all walks of life; the contractors, business owners, artists, bartenders, valets, bus boys, lifeguards, waitresses, managers, and chefs all of whom along with countless others have names, families, faces and dreams.

The disappointment extends beyond those directly affected to all of us actively participating in the development of this country. I am not a supporter of anchor projects of this magnitude, but when one has no say you must make the best of the situation.

Now, not only do I and many others have no say, but there is no situation to make the best of! An empty shoddily built hotel scars the western end of this island, and all we have to digest are promises for a bright future yet again from a prime minister whose word is as binding as tissue paper thin thread.

I’m sorry, Mr Christie, but not only do I not believe you, I am further frustrated by your sealing of the agreements of this deal you have struck at the 11th hour with a bank that has proven to not care about the welfare of my brothers and sisters.

This deal reeks of friends, family and loved ones, it reeks of what appears to be shady under the table dealings, and it reeks of government official greed in the face of hurting Bahamian households all over the nation.

Were we as a people to organise in the face of this disastrous series of events you would have a lot more to worry about than the legacy of your shuffle, yet you know better than most that the passive approach to governance will permit you to carry on smartly. I, however, refuse to keep quiet, and although I am a simple outsider I am sickened and disappointed at the levels you and your cabinet appear to be willing to stoop to to look out for yourselves ahead of the needs of the people that elected you to serve.

I remain hopeful for a scenario out west that actually benefits Bahamians in a meaningful way, but until we know what you have agreed to on our behalf, I am forced yet again to hang on to your promises, of which I am so sick and tired.



August 29, 2016.


OMG 7 years, 7 months ago

This country is fast becoming a dictatorship with total disrespect for the public and their entitlement to accurate information.


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