BUN IN THE OVEN: Five tips to stiffen your New Year resolve


HAPPY New Year! Can you believe its 2016?

I have a feeling this year is going to be an awesome year. At the beginning of the year I, like many others, reflect on the good, and the bad of the year before. For most of us, we choose to hold on to the more positive parts of the year, instead of holding on to the negative.

Every person has good times and bad times in their lives. But I think what most of us hope for is not perfection, but rather more positive experiences than negative ones. A new year is the perfect time to assess your life, figure out your plan and goals and adjust as needed.

If you’re not the “anti-resolution” type, I have five great tips to help you succeed and put your resolutions into perspective:

• Write a list of goals for the year and be specific. It can be anything from super simple to a bit more complex. If you’re going to meet your goals, you have to be clear on what it is you want to do or achieve.

• Pick something tangible to make as your New Year’s resolution ... learning a new skill, reading a self-help book, exercising more often or taking a yoga class rather than things like visiting every continent or learning four languages. Those take much more determination and planning-although you should dream big!

• Don’t bite off more than you can chew! If your New Year’s resolution is to exercise every day but you’ve never had a rigorous exercise schedule, you may want to make it your goal to exercise more, or twice a week, until you know you can build up to a daily routine

• Goals aren’t set in stone, you can adjust the plan as need be. Don’t be too hard on yourself.

• If you’re not the long term commitment type of person, then try your goals for 30 days and see how you go. It’s not an all or nothing deal. Just because you’re determined to eliminate bread for a few months and you have a bite of bread, all is not lost! Get back on that bandwagon and keep going.

Everything in life is a work in progress. There are hills and valleys, steps forward and steps back. Success is not a straight line but rather a messy swirl of curves and turns to get you to your destination. Take the time right now to decide on the things you want for this year, for yourself and your family.

Its true that if you don’t take the first step, you’ll never get there. Now is your chance to create the life you’ve always wanted, and to do the things you want to do. Good luck on your journey. Wishing you every success in 2016 and beyond!

Love & Hugs!

• Bianca Carter is a Certified Lactation Counsellor (CLC), Founder of Bun in the Oven and weekend radio personality on Y98. For more information, email her at info@babybunintheoven.com or bcarter@tribunemedia.net. Follow BITO on Facebook at babybunintheoven, and check out the BITO Blog every Monday and Thursday at http://babybunintheoven.com.


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