PM out of tune

EDITOR, The Tribune

LAST month, the Prime Minister opened up and expressed his hurt and pain caused by the nasty, vile song that was written about him and his family. I join with him and all right thinking Bahamians in condemning the song and gutter politics.

I must admit though that I was amazed that the Prime Minister would say, “We in our country don’t have to engage in ugly politics. We don’t have to be violent with our words for political gain. And the tragedy is that right thinking people sit and say nothing.”

For the past few weeks on social media, I have witnessed the political hacks who support and promote Prime Minister engaging in the same ugly politics that he decries. They have said very nasty and disparaging things about Alfred Sears, who has announced that he will challenge Mr Christie for the leadership of the party, yet not one rebuke from Mr Christie.

In fact, one Ricardo Smith, who is widely known as someone close to Mr Christie and a promoter of Mr Christie and his leadership, has led the way in making the most vulgar and disgusting public comments on social media against Mr Sears. As a right-thinking person, Mr Christie is called on to condemn Mr Smith and his nastiness.

We should not sit by idly as persons go to new lows in the name of political gain.

The irony is that the same Ricardo Smith was previously a big Free National Movement supporter spouting awful and disparaging things about Mr Christie. If it was wrong then, it must be wrong now.

Mr Christie, the majority of Bahamian voters are watching and we are turned off. Please demonstrate leadership and let’s put an end to dirty politics, regardless of who is the victim.



September 28, 2016.


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