PM criticism of Opposition leader

EDITOR, The Tribune

THE Prime Minister’s comment on the Opposition Leader’s criticising the performance of BP&L is totally naive and ridiculous.

Sure the Prime Minister has heard, for example, the political counter arguments when the US under President Bush was planning the invasion of Iraq? In infamy the Vietnam war opponents ... Mr Prime Minister, these were all times of national emergency in the US and democracy and freedom of speech reigned, which is fundamental to our Constitution.

Are you telling us because of Matthew freedom of speech should be suspended?

It is times like post-Matthew that the mettle of political leadership is tested - if there is no pro-active action why should the voice of the people not be critical?

If we take the Prime Minister’s position then the innocent have to bear and suffer until innefficiency finally restores elements of basic living.

Sorry, sir. With the greatest of respect tings don’t work dat way.



October 14, 2016.


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