Helping our fellow citizens

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Please allow me some space in your paper for further comments after the passing of Matthew.

I do not have electricity, internet, telephone, cable,  and have  minimal water, but what  I do have are fabulous neighbours and community members. 

All of us were impacted by the recent hurricane. Some more than others. I am grateful that we can all come together as a community and help one another.  

I hope this outpouring of compassion and support can continue. I am very fortunate. I still have a roof over my head.  We should all live every day helping each other and especially those in need in this same benevolent way.  Let’s not wait for the next  hurricane to bring us to the realisation concerning the importance of looking out for each other.  It should be second nature.  

We are all citizens of this planet and should be taking care of one another regardless of a natural disaster or other obstacle. It should not take a category four storm to unite us and bring us to help our fellow man/woman.  

Thank you again to all those that have come forth to assist after Matthew. I’m sure you are the same people that will continue assisting even through the good times. Let’s spread the word that all of us should continue with this benevolence and help our neighbours even after “the storm has passed”.



October 17, 2016.


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