Root of problem must be tackled

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In response to MP Richard Lightbourn’s suggestion to the nation’s problem that is a result of irresponsible sexual behaviour or habits. To enact legal rights for tubal ligation for a single woman with two children, not to allow her to have any more children.

I agree with the comments in a letter from Justice Jeanne Thompson – Responsible Parenting – and published in The Tribune’s letters column.

Parents are responsible first, to their children, to train them to be responsible for their behaviour. That negative behaviour results in consequences that are not pleasant and vice versa. When children begin to have babies, order is already gone out of the window.

Communication from several pillars in our society is limited to non-existence and the result is an uninformed public.

The number of churches, youth groups, teachers, medical professionals and schools are enough to correct this type of problem, without the politician’s laws to enact extreme measures in our nation. Nations that adopt this type of measure are nations with multiple millions as citizens. We are yet to achieve one half of a million citizens.

Let us not overlook our problems with illegal immigration, where if we are not paying attention, we can in a short time be supplanted by neighbours, who would gladly take our Bahama land for their own.

In responding let us not believe the men who brought the woman to Jesus, because she was caught in adultery, but she was alone. Adultery, like producing a baby, is not done alone. We all know it takes a male and a female.

Let us agree that education for both sexes is necessary. Responsibility for one’s behaviour, consequences for our actions need to be understood on a higher level from primary school to pastoral responsibilities in the church. A band-aid approach is not good enough. The root problem has to be corrected.

Lastly in politics, people numbers count, especially in a democracy. If as a small nation we would strategize by decreasing our numbers, then that is not wise. As we go through our problems, we must remain a 20/20 vision for best future results, for a stronger Bahamas.

Let us not plan and weaken our nation. Hindsight is also 20/20 vision, but it is always too late and correction not available. So Bahamas let us think again concerning our one parent results - social services, crime prevention, unemployment to name a few. The answers live on vision foresight and love for people. Much of the answers is in education, communication, planning, but not planning to decrease when increase is more profitable in the end.

It is time for the church to be the church and sit silent, seeming to give consent. Because of Corinthians 1 verse 25 “For the foolishness of God is wiser than men and the weakness of God is stronger than men. Let God be true and every man a liar. Hebrew 13 verse 4 “Marriage is honourable in all, but hormongers, adulterers and fornicators will be judged.” Sex is for marriage only.

May God bless you all, and continue to bless the Commonwealth of The Bahamas, and may the wealth become common among all Bahamians.




August 11, 2016.


Sickened 7 years, 7 months ago

I am soooo confused reading this! Is it just me, or did the writer not get her(?) point across succinctly?


Zakary 7 years, 7 months ago

It's not just you. That was quite an interesting read...


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