Deal done with churches on reporting of finances


Tribune Staff Reporter


THE government and the Bahamas Christian Council have resolved a dispute over a requirement that some churches submit their financial information to the Registrar General's Department in accordance with non-profit organisation regulations, BCC President Delton Fernander said yesterday.

The BCC had been concerned that not all denominations were required to submit such information.

"But everyone will now be asked to do the same thing," Bishop Fernander said yesterday. "...Some of the stringent requirements have been relaxed."

In July, the Registrar General's Department listed in newspapers hundreds of NPOs, including such organisations as the Bahamas Historical Society and the Bahamas Chamber of Commerce and Employers Confederation, that had to submit information that show their purpose, objectives and activities, the source of their annual income, the identities of the people who own, control and direct them and annual financial statements or other financial records while also explaining their transactions in and outside the Bahamas.

Churches were given a 30-day extension on the time to submit such information.

A paramount concern of the BCC had been the requirement that churches submit financial information about churches.

"Now we're kinda going to self-regulate those financials," Bishop Fernander said. "The financials will be checked by accountants who will report to the ministry that it was done. If there are violations or something untoward shows up, we will gladly turn over the information.

"We'll make notice to that church that it's been requested and we will pass that information. Otherwise, the financial information will remain in the possession of the BCC."

It's unclear if this same process applies to other types of NPOs.

Bishop Fernander said the government has agreed to pay accountants to collect the financial data for churches that can't afford to do so themselves.

"This is more secure in the approach and is across the board," the bishop said. "It's fair for every person and church that all are asked to do these same things."


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