Why the surprise over the sloop?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE Prime Minister was “disturbed” by the broad daylight landing of an illegal Haitian sloop and wants a “full report” on how this was possible. That seems ridiculous to me.

The Prime Minister had to speak through an interpreter when he went to a Haitian church, that alone should have told him something. It is obvious illegal Haitians continue to enter through the very porous borders of The Bahamas because they can find refuge here. There are no major deterrents or penalties to dissuade them. They recognise that we lack the discipline to consistently apply any law in this country and for the right price anything goes.

Will we create a law to ensure that once an illegal enters this country their biometrics are taken and then neither them nor their offspring can ever be granted a work permit, residency or citizenship? Will we confiscate the properties of illegals? The answer is obvious!

We have gone the way of the USA in allowing immigrants, who are not even top tier immigrants, to so increase in number here that their presence alone influences our nation’s policies. As a result they will continue to flock in droves.

The body carries out the desires of the head. Those at the highest levels of decision making who are entrusted with this nation’s national security and immigration concerns are lazy, tolerant and unpatriotic. I judge that by their actions. They pay lip service to our immigration woes and nothing more. That, Mr Prime Minister is why the immigrants keep coming!

An overgrown yard will not be cleaned by endless talk; action without talk is the only thing that will do.



November 15, 2017.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 4 months ago

There are TOO MANY HAITIANS in high places in the police, defence, immigration and civil service ........... they will always help their own people ........ This is a LOSE-LOSE situation as we spend money to detain/repatriate illegals while the country is being drained of hard US currency and added stress on essential services ......... hence the $7 Billion national debt increase in 25 years.


Sickened 6 years, 4 months ago

We have a sufficient amount of legal immigration - we certainly don't need any illegal immigrants! Get all illegal immigrants out and then once we see what our unemployment figures truly are, across all sectors of our economy, than we can look to either increase or decrease the amount of legal immigrants. The migration of people will always be present in every country. We just need to be tolerant to legal migration and intolerant to illegal migration.


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