After the hurricane

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Now that Irma has passed through the country, we who are alive and above ground have much to be thankful for. Material damage can be corrected. Lives lost cannot be replaced. The Minnis Administration along with the Official Opposition, led by the Hon Philip “Brave” Davis (PLP-Cat Island) both rose to the challenges in a mature and unified manner. The PM and Brave, et al, are to be congratulated on a job well done. The initial preparations were in fits and starts but better late than never at all. NEMA needs an urgent make over and possibly a change in managerial personnel.

The hurricane season is just beginning in earnest and I would hope that measures are in place to ensure that supplies and essential items are made available and delivered, where possible, by Bahamians and others who might be in need. The members of The Royal Bahamas Police Force and The Royal Bahamas Defense Force are to be complimented on their state of preparedness and assorted plans to assist with rapid and safe evacuation where necessary.

Commodore Tellis Bethel Jr, finally the substantive holder of that office, is a no nonsense individual who has long been preparing himself and his team to do what they do best: protect our borders and, of course, disaster relief and search and rescue efforts. Acting Commissioner of Police, Anthony Ferguson, is an untested quality but I am certain that he is the man for the progressive evolvement of the force. It is so distressing, however, to see that a man like Elliston Greenslade seems to have been pushed aside ever since the election of the FNM. Sad. The FNM promised transparency and accountability but, clearly, they were bogus electoral mantras.

In any event, we survived, again. We must now get on with the real business of the people. Hurricanes come and go, just like the run of the mill politicians. Yahweh has, again, seen fit to bring us through. Minnis and his people them have been baptised by water. If they fail to be saved or accept political salvation, they will be baptized by fire next time around. I am more than persuaded that the prayers of the ascribed anointed and deluded prayer warriors did an effective and credible job in making supplications to the great I AM THAT I AM to steer the destructive forces of Irma away from The Bahamas.

Now we should get back to the real business of the people. The Official Opposition is about to go into yet another convention. The Hon. Glenys Hanna Martin (PLP-Englerston) is a mere distraction and on an ego trip to become leader of the NEW PLP. Heritage is just that but not an automatic qualification for leadership. What will she or could she bring to the NEW PLP? The FNM sung its way into power but the songs now have the same, or so it seems, refrain of the songs sung by the now defunct Christie led PLP. Glenys, with all due respect, is being selfish and petty, in my view.

She was incapable of running Road Traffic and some other agencies which fell under her watch. Millions went missing, allegedly, from the Post Office Savings Banks. Some other millions went missing, so they say, from a safe at Road Traffic on a weekend. No repercussions or ministerial acknowledgement? Yes, Brave had some unfortunate challenges at BAMSI but, I submit, the Permanent Secretary, my good friend, Collin Higgs, et al, should have suffered administrative consequences. There were none. The now Minister of Agriculture signed an agreement or letter or whatever when he was creased up with Christie them. Minnis cussed him out and called him many political names. today, Wells is a cabinet minister around Minnis’ banquet table, living large and, so they say, in charge.

Only in The Bahamas.

And so, the Official Opposition will be challenged to formulate and present a sensible alternative to the fake agenda, so far of the clueless moon beam FNM administration. I still hold out high hopes for Minnis dem, but I am fast losing hope that they know what the hell they are doing. Brave has his job cut out for him and THE NEW PLP. I support him for leader. I support Chester Cooper for Deputy. I will hold my nose and support Fred Mitchell for National Chairman. These three persons will form the core of the block that should and must be cemented to lay the corner stone and foundation of THE NEW PLP.

During the approach and passage of Irma, Brave, showed just as much leadership capabilities and empathy as the PM, with all due respect, and more, in many instances. Brave, with limited resources and without the purse strings of the state, was all over The Bahamas with his team ensuring that as many Bahamians, especially, Family Islanders, as possible were safe and in possession of all necessities. Dr Minnis was ok but, that is what we would have expected, and more.

The PLP has no time for playing doll house and we have no time for sitting back passively while clueless people continue to shove it down our throats just like Christie them did. As I have said, ad nausea, before, I do not like Fred Mitchell at all. He is on a different run than most Bahamians. He is also a man with severe failed political ambitions. Not only does he have “a lean and hungry look” but, he too, if Brave is not careful, could emerge as ‘et tu Brutus....? He would, however, make an excellent National Chairman for the NEW PLP. He has nothing much to do and he appears to have plenty energy so he would be vital in restructuring and rebuilding constituency branches, one on one.

Brave, while not a natural orator, is possessed of common sense and has a degree, often submerged, of empathy for regular people. it is a regret of epic proportions that we as a people have come to look to smooth talking politicians as our Great God In the Sky when they are mere mortals, just like you all. This is his last and only chance to become de facto and de jure leader of the NEW PLP.

I would be grossly remiss if I did not thank the Lord God for having once again spared us the ravages of a major hurricane. Truly, His mercies and goodness endureth forever. Prayers have been answered as never before. Are the hands of The Lord too short to save?

The Triumverate of Brave; Chester and Mitchell, the latter who I will reluctantly endorse for the post of National Chairman of the new PLP, will be the catalyst that secures the return to office by the new PLP. A triumvirate does not, mind you, of necessity, mean a rule by three but rater an amalgamation where the best three branches of the NEW PLP will be bought together. Brave is and will be primus inter pares, for those of you who know no Latin, first amongst equals.



September 8, 2017


CatIslandBoy 6 years, 7 months ago

This Bodie fella can't make up his mind. One day he is praising Doc Minnis, and denigrating the PLP. The next letter, he is praising Brave and losing hope in Minnis. Talking about a double-minded man........


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