Police praise

EDITOR, The Tribune.

The recent announcement that there has been a “downward trending” with murders, declining by 45%, is to be commended.

I commend the Minister of National Security the Hnourable Marvin Dames and the Commissioner of Police Mr Anthony Ferguson for this significant step in leading the way in fighting this national demon of criminality.

I also wish to further call on our community to let us embrace this progress by not harbouring criminals or participating in lawlessness.

I was privileged to have served the last National Crime Commissioner under the then Minister Orville “Tommy” Turnquest. After a year’s work, I think the Commissioners learnt far more than we were able to affect meaningful change.

Crime is a national phenomenon and we should stop using it for political advancements. We should be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime.

We pray this decline continues.


Pastor Emeritus and Former Crime Commissioner


April 31, 2018


Aegeaon 5 years, 11 months ago

Just don't underestimate the financial and brutal power of the gangs at large, as for the most part, they're still out there. If we can't stop them while the murders are down, the same massacres will begin anew.


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