Is it really the People's Time to beg?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I understand our country is in an economic crisis and the said government is trying, in their opinion, to fix and balance the budget. But living in the state we’re in, we see families are struggling more so than ever. On top of this, the increase of value added tax has caused the cost of living to become for some, unaffordable.

This is one of the biggest times for families who depend mainly on back-to-school functions as well as the Department of Social Services to assist with uniforms, spectacles among other needs they cannot afford. For the Minister to say they’re cutting funds for uniform assistance and only qualified people will be assisted - and that is not even guaranteed - just baffles me.

We are at a point again where the cost of living has become hard for many of Bahamians all across The Bahamas. I believe it is the government’s obligation to assist in the areas that we know are a major issue for many. Unemployment - which is one of our major issues - is growing daily. Single parents, mothers and fathers are finding it hard to survive. This is no time to cut fundings for something that is a necessity!

In my opinion, how about we cut the funds for things that really aren’t benefitting the Bahamian people? Things that we do not really require. We have to find ways to accommodate a range of people. This is important! How is it really ‘our time’ if we’re suffering and in addition there isn’t any assistance for us? Whose time is it really?

Urban communities especially need assistance. Grand Bahama, which once was considered the second city - and is now possibly a desert in some people’s opinion - especially needs assistance. There isn’t any economic growth there; job closures all around. How can you cut any form of assistance when in fact you did nothing for them because Grand Bahama is still suffering?

I make no apologies when I say this current government may think they’re doing what’s best for the people, but truthfully it is the people that has the power. My question is, are they really listening to the people? Do they have the regard and thought for the people? Families across the Bahamas are hurting daily, financially, why continue to add to their burden? Is it that they’re supposed to come to the Prime Minister office, meet with him, he “hears” them and does nothing?

Is it that the people must go on their knees like dogs and beg? No!

The Bahamian people are stronger than that. But I do say to our current leader, if it truly is the Bahamian people’s time, we must do things in the INTEREST of the Bahamian people.



August 20, 2018


Dawes 5 years, 7 months ago

You have said that more should be given to certain areas and then said they should take the money from areas not benefiting the Bahamian people, but have not said what areas this should be. I am sure whatever area is chosen there will be some Bahamian people who cry out. On the issue of school uniform assistance, of course it should be means tested. Why should i struggle to pay taxes to fund school uniforms for those who can afford it. Also maybe those who can not afford it should consider only having one child instead of many. I and many people i know chose to limit the number of kids we have based on what we can afford, one of those reasons we can't afford the first, second or third is due to the taxes we pay for Government to spend on those who are having kids all the time.


Sickened 5 years, 7 months ago

It must be our African heritage that urges us to have many kids even though we are struggling to fill our own bellies. This thought process is insane. Is it religion blowing sunshine up people's asses saying that the future with Jesus is bright, or is it simple ignorance that the rain's will soon come, or is it self satisfaction where we just want to have sexual pleasure regardless of the consequences?


themessenger 5 years, 7 months ago

We missed the bus long time ago. Bahamians have been brainwashed into dependency on government for the last fifty years and we have developed into a nation of beggars and thieves as a result. In Pavlovian style we've been trained to believe there's such a thing as free lunch when in fact the dogs already ate it.


DDK 5 years, 7 months ago

Harsh, but oh so true! Thing is, can anything be done about it?


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