Are we worth $12,000?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THIS morning’s Tribune and Fridays, which arrived late, both have unbelievable headlines.

1) A uninsured unlicensed driver is fined $12000 for a hit and run death - that puts a value on lives in The Bahamas. Is that what the politicians and legal fraternity think they are worth? That may be right but the “ordinary” man is worth a lot more.

2) Jean Rony is “thrown back into the detention centre” yet suspected murderers are out on bail. Obviously Jean Rony has nowhere to go outside The Bahamas and he did not like Haiti it appears. So why not $1 bail until Immigration and the courts can sort themselves out. What is The Bahamas coming to?



February 5, 2018.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 2 months ago

This person was given a big break ......... Was this not vehicular homicide plus leaving the scene in an unlicensed, uninsured vehicle with NO driver's license/insurance????? ......... That sounds like a minimum of 5 years imprisonment.


joeblow 6 years, 2 months ago

Considering some have been killed for a cell phone, some might place the value of a human life at far less than $12,000.


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