Progress along the waterfront

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IT seems the leadership of Ed Fields something might now happen along the Nassau Harbour waterfront.

Ever since Perry Christie generated the seemingly requirement of a boardwalk from Rawson Square to the PI Bridge I have been constantly challenged to accept the reasoning why a Broad walk?

Do you really think tourists and alike are going to walk from Rawson Square to PI Bridge?

Building bulkheads is expensive so lets get it right.

I see it is essential to take this opportunity to encroach on the harbour – do a lot of reclamation (fill in and build) so as to widen the potential development property – I would go at least 60 feet.

A Broad walk will never be a catalyst to development someone has sold you a lemon.

On the Tropical site there needs to be a cruise ship dock…you need to deepen the harbour to the furthest eastern end of the last deepening of the harbour add a cruise ship at the Tropical/Bethel Estates property bingo you will have success. 4,000-passengers + 2,600 crew pouring two-four times a week onto that area commerce will be ignited.



February 20, 2018. 


sealice 6 years, 1 month ago

there ain't nothin for the tourists to do here now and you want to bring more in? Why so they can tell more people what a dirty shitholio we live in and don't seem to care? And yes it's a PLP idea so it probably sux


sealice 6 years, 1 month ago

rather the question is which one of the property owners was in the PLP peer group that would have benefitted? We know who it isn't along the waterfront ......


juju 6 years, 1 month ago

FINALLY! Someone is cleaning up and beautifying that waterfront mentioned. It looks great! Such beautiful, spacious property that can be put to good use.Definitely needs filling in. Hopefully government and the public will embrace the improvements, and that area will continue to come alive again.


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