A sad reflection on 50 years of Majority Rule

EDITOR, The Tribune.

YOUR editorial today, January 30 2018, is another very sad reflection on our fifty years of Majority Rule and Independence and National Sovereignty, and to be honest, we are very lucky that the US Embassy and/or others don’t publish a travel warning to their citizens vacationing here, that they best stay inside their rooms, lest they get hurt and have to go to this God forsaken place for medical help.

Any discussion with anyone, about the PMH will inevitably come down to one of funding, or “lack thereof”. And that beggars the question “how much money has this country dished out over the last 20 years (ONLY) on subsidising/bailing out the likes of BahamasAir, Bank of Bahamas, (100 million to Bahamas Resolve) BAMSI, Water & Sewerage Corp, BEC/BPL, National Insurance? As well as a raft of money paid in consultancy fees, to set up a National Health Insurance Plan, for a product that we know DOES NOT EXIST.

Now the previous government is one thing, and it was ceremoniously removed by the people, but if one were to ask any of the current Government MP’s or Cabinet Ministers WHY these corporations are not in LIQUIDATION fully nine months after they were returned to Government, with a resounding mandate to clean this country and its finances up, and get a handle on essential public services, you would get a litany of reasons why they think we need to keep these bleeding sores operating.

Perhaps it is because if they, or a family member were ill, they would have, or would find, the wherewithal to travel to America or Canada to seek medical assistance for anything serious. And no, I don’t think that Dr Minnis had a serious medical problem when he had eye surgery at the PMH.

Really, Government, are you acting in the best interest, or even just the simple interest, of the people of the Bahamas by continuing this lunacy?



January 30, 2018.


Sickened 6 years, 2 months ago

9 months in and NOTHING has gotten better. The ONLY saving grace is that it hasn't gotten worse, which it definitely would have if Perry and his bandits got back in. Minnis better get this ship moving soon because I am certainly ready to get my ass back on Parliament Square. MINNIS - YOU ARE QUICKLY RUNNING OUT OF TIME. OUR PATIENCE IS WEARING THIN!!!


MonkeeDoo 6 years, 2 months ago

True dat, but Minnis got Henfield compromise in the Senate. He had ta trade in them Black We Mach shirt for dem Red RocinDoc set. I dunno !


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