My right to spend

EDITOR, The Tribune.

IN 2013, my wife and I were at odds about the Gambling Referendum, but we agreed on one thing — it is Bahamians’ right to spend their money however they felt. I believed then, as I believe now, that gambling is a past time.

Everyone has their vices. Some people drink, some people smoke, others gamble.

Five years later and gambling is legal now, but it seems the current government wants to reverse the process.

To impose a 5% tax each time someone gambles, even after taxing the number bosses, I feel, is quite unfair. It’s as though the government is seeking to dissuade persons from gambling. Or, the government is intentionally setting up the frame work to close numbers houses and return to the days when gambling was underground. That’s not progression and I thought we were in a society where Bahamians would be treated fairly.



June 10, 2018.


Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 10 months ago

You have a dated laissez-faire view of how to treat serious addictions that are now known to have very costly consequences for a society. "Yes", you have the right to spend your money in any legal way you see fit. But "No", you do not have the right to indulge in an unhealthy addictive activity without fear of penalty if the addiction generally causes harm to a society at large. Having to pay more taxes to treat the social ills caused by your harmful activities is most unfair to those of us who do not participate in your unhealthy addictive activities.


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