Crime under control?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

WHILE the Police were having a special police operation carnage on Jerome Avenue - who said crime is under control?

We had a comment recorded and aired on the News after the Fox Hill incident a comment from a resident ‘oh that building is known for drugs’ - if the residents know how is it the police seem not to? The Jerome Avenue incident - senior DEU - the victims are known to the police.

It has to be worrying to us all as now crime is creeping to areas where in the past it was unknown - where is safe? Two people waiting to have their hair cut, shot not once but multiple times and left dead in broad daylight.

It has been said before but used only a very few times - the Police with the RBDF have to block off an area securely and go house-to-house searching for firearms - drugs, etc…it was recommended years ago to have dogs trained to sniff out guns - did the RBPF acquire any? The Jamaica Police plan seems to be working - Districts are declared “emergency zones” and the police have special powers to search. Minister, forget all your Academy’s we need solutions on the ground.

As true as the sun will rise every morning in the east if we continue the talk and lack of action this is going to get worse. We have to aggressively go after the firearms and keep an eye on the criminal element 24/7 if we don’t this incident on Jerome Avenue and Fox Hill will not be the last.

Crime is hurting us, big time who live here - the tourists don’t go over the hill!



June 10, 2018.


DDK 5 years, 10 months ago

100% agreement. House to house is a good idea. Many writers to this Publication offer good ideas but it never seems the politicians entertain them, they tend to stick to their own agendae. In time the tourists will stop going under the hill too.


joeblow 5 years, 10 months ago

People who pretend that crime is a "thing" that has to be addressed are missing the point. Crime is simply the end result of poor parenting and socialization. Children who do not learn moral boundaries, empathy, the importance of leaving other peoples things alone and the importance of hard work will grow up WHILE being abused have hardened consciences and a strong impulse to survive at any cost. They do not learn how to think before they act, so why be surprised when they take irrational actions? Crime is a symptom of a much larger problem that more police cars and more talk cannot solve.

Crime cannot be solved until the MINDSET that breeds criminals is sensibly addressed!!


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